Wednesday 1 June 2011

Dating Rule No 2

Hello all and welcome back to the dating rules.. I know you have all be waiting in anticipation for the second rule so here it is...

"Don't be too available. We don't mean you should play games, but if you're free every night, you're probably not taking care of yourself, pursuing your own interests and spending time with your friends -- which means you're probably not very interesting to talk to. People with full, exciting lives make the best dates."

Well this is a great start I now know that I am probably not even going to be very interesting on my pretend date .. And I don’t understand how it says don’t play games.. surely lying about yourself to make your self more interesting is infact a game.. although I do know where this rule is coming from.. I mean how many people will be interested to know I got home.. found my tortoise that was lost somewhere in the garden.. Watched 2 and half men or friends depending on how I was feeling.. had supper and then went to bed whilst flickering around on Facebook and Twitter.. God im going to have to come up with some exciting nibblets (lies) to keep them entertained.. Lion tamer..!! it has possibilities.. Maybe something more realistic like.. "Why yes just the other day my dearest Lizzie (queen) bbmed me to let me know she sadly couldn’t make our Pimms date" .. or again maybe a little far..

This is something I am slightly terrified off though... the awkward silences.. Now again those of you that know me know im not very good at awkward silences.. Infact im horribly bad at them and it normally gets worse as I then try and brake the awkwardness with something so utterly embarrassing that I should get my handbag and leave .. Straight Away..

Another thing I do other than totally humiliate myself in certain situations such as this I refer to the word that is "OP" now.. this is word that has no meaning and me and my love V thought up this word last summer.. we don’t know what it means, what it stands for or why we use it but it frequently ends all of our sentences... normally we add it in when we say something out loud that really should be kept in the deep dark depths that is our minds. But oo no ... we like to shout them out there. Normally followed by total hysterics from us both and everyone else looking around not really understanding as we stand there bent in double trying to not let our eyeliner run down our faces while we make a hand moment of covering our mouth.. our little way of knowing we have just said something we shouldn’t and we should just "take that back".. Im sure right now if she reads this she can only imagine what sort of a fool I will make of myself in a awkward silence how I will refer to the Op and then laugh to myself.. Brilliant.. how not to scare someone on the first day.

Anyway I hope Rule No 2 helps some of you who actually have first dates coming up... Remember .. only lie about yourself if you are Boring..

Quickly an up-date on the internet dating… still not actually on a site yet.. but I am doing a lot of research into them.. will keep you posted.

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