Tuesday 21 June 2011

Me Again

A few more quick points regarding me.. Hopefully those of you that don't know me this will let you have a little insight.

> When I was little and asked what I wanted to be when I was a grown-up I told my mother I wanted to be a Slave.. my brother and sister did not miss this as a opportunity

> I still sleep with a night light

> I used to want to own a Lime Green old school mini with pictures of Mickey and Minnie Mouse all over it.

> Im still a massive fan of Disney

> I own all 3 Little Mermaid films.. Yes there are 3

> I cry at everything - When at school people had to confiscate the newspaper from me to stop me crying

> I apparently have no idea how many boyfriends ive had as keep remembering ones I’ve forgotten

> I once had pneumonia as a child and my Dr thought I had a peanut stuck in my windpipe!!

> I get home sick even when im with friends

> My Dads nickname for me is Misses Murbles

> I love tea

> My eyelashes are 100% fake and get them re-done every 4 weeks

> I can't sat No

> I love the lonely hearts advert in the express and echo

>  I love curry

> I wish I could wear heels but normally only last an hour in them before I want to amputate my feet.

> I hate swimming out of my depth

> I have the weirdest thumbs EVER

> My whole body is covered in freckles including the palm of my hand..

> I thought a tiger was the female version of a Lion... apparently there not!!

> In my GCSE moch paper for English we had to right about a Fat boy slim concert and what effect it would have on Pier Pressure with the amount of people attending.. and I wrote about actual peer pressure and how people might not want to go to a fat boy slim concert... it wasn’t graded.

Just a few more bits that make me me... some are a little unusual.. but then im pretty odd..

Lots going on this week as I have finally moved out of home and im venturing to Cornwall again this weekend... Im sure there will be lots to write about as there will be Alcohol, Ill be near my sisters boyfriend G who i always embarrass myself in front of and the possibly of some boating disasters... Will let you know!

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