Thursday 9 June 2011


This is just a few things about Me .. Most of you who read this .. if anyone actually does will already know most of these bits about me but for those that don’t.. its a little inside.

> My real name is Matilda Rose Knowles

> I often get called Sue on the phone by customers at work - not sure how Tilly sounds like Sue but now i am Sue to certain customers.. they get confused other wise and ask for Sue when there already talking to me.

> Bridget Jones is my ultimate idol.. Sad but true

> I love Chesney Hawkes (and yes I am a member of his fan club)

> I have more 80/90s music on my ipod than any other

> I never sleep naked.. infact being naked is something I really don’t like

> I have only ever had 1 massage in my life and it was the most traumatic experience Ever.. however it was down a seedy backstreet in India where the shop was made of cardboard

> I once felt asleep in a French Lesson and pretended I had Fainted .. I got to go home early

> Every night I sleep with a stuffed cuddly toy monkey that belonged to my Ex.. this is weird

>  I always fancy people who are either A out of my league and B unobtainable

> It took me 5 attempts to pass my driving test - however i do consider myself a good driver.. others might not think so

> I have a weird bump on my left leg where i fell out the shower when i was 10 on Halloween.. its still there.

> I once worked in a bank yet I have never and will never be able to count.. it was Northern Rock.. you would of thought they already had enough problems

> I am very dyslexic however i enjoy this as it gives me an excuse for my daft comments

> I horribly embarrasses myself in front of my sisters boyfriend all the time.. i once walking in to there sitting room while he was watching Come Dine With me and i just went... "ooo bit of come".. this was very awkward for both of us.

> I hate awkward silences and often make them worse by saying something stupid/doing something stupid

> Me and a Best of mine have given ourselves nicknames of "Fanamatran" and "Banjango".. (yes they are names of Vaginas)

> I have a wife

> I shorten every word i physically can (see above point regarding Come Dine With Me) Words i shorten are things like.. Totes, Comf, Amaz, Abso, ect

> i use the word "Like" far to often

> i am very loud a lot of the time and my family have now come up with the saying.. "Volume control" and then twist a pretend volume button.

> I have many weird fears including Seaweed and The dark.. They will both kill you

> I never sleep on my side as i have to be able to see both windows in my bedroom to either side and the door incase someone tries to kill me

> I cant watch scary films and am scared of films such as scary movie 1,2,3,and 4

> My ambition in life is to be a stay at home mum and bake (which I can't do but im sure i will be magnificent when im 30)

> I would have given up my dream for a certain someone and offered that to him but it still wasn’t enough

> I love Vodka

> I could drink wine every night

> I'm 100% addicted to Chilli

> Someone once told me I was like marmite and you either love me or hate me.. not sure if this is a good or bad thing

> I owe a lot to my brother and sister over the last few months

> I often use the word "OP" even though it has no meaning

> I have a 4 year old tortoise that goes by the name of Rocket.. my parents brought him for my 21st and there reason was because " he will out live me"

This is just a few things about me... maybe you learnt something new..

Watch out for later today its Lonely Hearts day in the Express and Echo .. Mr Wright could be just a page turn away.

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