Thursday 26 May 2011

Lonely Hearts x2

This is one of my favourite things on a Thursday... The lonely hearts column in the Express and Echo... now i have already written a little about my favourite page that is Exeter Dating.. but i thought i should introduce to this week's favourite..

"Male seeking Helena - 70's, 5ft, Under 10 Stone, Leave a message please,"

Now the good points about this advert is its short and sweet and straight to the point .. or is it..

Now is HE in his 70s, 5ft and under 10stone.. or is he looking for someone who is 70's, 5ft and under 10 stone..?

Because if he is... then.. well he’s a catch.. !!! or if he is looking for someone who resembles Helena of Troy i think he might have a search on his hand and next time should put some more effort in to his advert!!!

This is all i have to say on the mature... What would your lonely hearts advert say?


  1. I like to read the ones in the Gloucester Echo to Tigs while we wait for a kebab in Flames on a Friday night. It's worth it to see the expression on his face.

    But I am easily amused.

  2. I saw this one today! Thought it was rather amusing! Glad you picked out the same one. Maybe I'll respond... x
