Now ladies I don’t want you to be jealous because this bad boy is mine!!!
He is ... 33 and... Married.. Brilliant off to a great start.. However he use of words are some what poetic..
Yes ladies that’s right.. I have been offered some good time fun..
Now i know sometimes i might seem a little desperate.. and yes im not the best at being single.. and yes ive had a few.. misdemeanours should we say... but seriously.. did... Retexe.. really think i was going to respond... Why hello there good looking.. Yes lets have some good fun times.. and im sure you’ll be happy to .. come see me..
YOU DIRTY OLD PERV.... (not me... then again... ok im not that old..)
Hope everyone having a good day.. Told you this internet dating would be a hit!!!....
P.S – Does any one know what NSA means… I don’t want to seem young and naive here but… not got a clue.. (first time I read it I thought he was asking about NASA.. could of been awkward..)
No strings attached...