Wednesday 10 August 2011

Theres always more fish in the sea.... or is there..

Hi all..

Keeping you up-dated on the whole on line dating number i thought i should fill you in on my newest on line dating game.. Plenty of fish... Seriously i swear about a month ago i was to nervous to sign up to any on-line dating sites and now i seem to be the queen of them..

Anyway ... ive decided that if you haven’t got friends you can't be on - so you go to and if you really struggle there you go to plenty of which mainly consist of weirdo’s, pervs and old men.. Fantastic.. i don’t know if any of you know my type.. but im a big fan of all these characteristics... seriously if a 67 year old, dirty old man came up to me and whispered .. "alright love fancy a dirty quickie behind these here bins...(that would be my attempt of a Devonshire accent there)" by gosh would my knees just tremble at the thought... then again.. maybe not..

To give you a little preview of what i mean .. I joined plenty of fish yesterday after i gave my self a little talking to.. if i want to get back in to the dating game i have to do it full heartedly and to be honest im a little bit still on the fence.. so now im full guns blazing type number..

Anyway back to the point in hand... i joined yesterday and i have already had.. 59 e-mails... yes... apparently i am a hotty on plenty of fish.. or is that i actually have 2 eyes, my own hair, and some knowledge of the English language.. only some.. but more than others.

Anyway to show you the love i have so far received here are a select few ... my favourites.. some of which i really think i could go the distance with...

"i loved ur smile.....can i borrow ur smile...:)" - This is from a man who apparently thinks he is 28... 45 might be a more accurate account.. but i like how he’s trying.. sadly he’s not for me..

Hello miss sexy :) do I fancy a chat x" - I like this one because he isn’t asking me if i would like to chat to him.. he’s telling me... a firm hand... Then again.. maybe now.. What is it with the smiley faces also...!!!

And then possibly my favourite so far.. just says everything he wants to in a few letters..

Fancy a look at my 9 inch penis??” Brilliant… I cant believe I ever thought of not responding to this….. apparently he is 29 and lives in Tiverton… however no photo.. probably means he has a face like the elephant man and if he does have 9 inch penis it was probably because of some slight deformity..

There has been a few ok e-mails but mainly just of people saying “hi babe” or “ how are you”..

The hardest thing I think is I have No idea what im looking for.. if that makes sense.. My normal type are 6ft, My age, and normally in the military .. and im kind of change out of that scene a little as I feel I need to branch out and experience a different type.. and its kind of been working.. the few guys I have met who don’t fit all these requirements I still get on well with.. so here a hoping.

Not a lot else going on… big weekend in Topsham where I may have actually picked my liver slightly so im having a week of staying in and being boring apart from Girls night tomorrow, seeing friends on Friday, and Cornwall on Saturday for the weekend… Cricky..

And yes you heard right im venturing off to Cornwall.. first time since Easter but I think I am now finally safe to venture back down to my favourite village that is The Scath…
Already a little nervous about seeing people but im sure I will be fine… Positive thinking gets you along way I’ve heard so im sticking to that for the time being.

One day I will post on here… Im happy, Got someone who loves me, and my life is sorted… however till then… god knows what will happen…

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