Tuesday 2 August 2011

22 Years of..... well nothing

I'm 22 years old am I have achieve exactly NOTHING in my life…. Rhianna is 22 and has dominated the world, Some people are millionaires, some people have helped the save a life of loved one, Some have genially found the love of there life, settled down and had kids.. I have kept a tortoise alive for 2 years.. and most of that has been down to my mum.. so really its not even a achievement..

I have the normal 10 GCSE's I guess for me that was achievement as I still remember my mother saying to me the night before the results.. " now darling lets just chat about what might happen if you don’t get 5 grade C's and above... here’s what you could do...." I also have 3 half decent A levels.. even if they are in the most obscure subjects... although I have a feeling some pretty heavy flirting in some of the subjects helped slightly towards my grades..

I dropped out of University, I couldn’t keep a relationship together where we saw each other approximately 3 times every 2 months.. at most, I have no idea what to do with my life that seems to just be disappearing.. is it me or are weeks and months getting a lot quicker now..?...

Sorry for this little rant but having a odd day... tonight I believe will go 1 of 2 ways... i will go home, curl in to a ball, drink a bottle of wine and have a little cry... or i will go see some girlfriends and do exactly the same thing to them.............. or i just need to snap out of it..

Other things that have happened recently -

Sent C a txt the other night... I thought I would be proactive thing to do and try to get connections going in the old friends dept .. I didn’t get a response.. should of known really... he never replied when we were together why would he reply now to the crazy ex gf......

I have actually sent some e-mails on Match.com.. i know be impressed.. and even got some replies.. so ill keep you up-dated..

That is pretty much me at the moment... ill let you know how the crying and bubbles go later...

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