Thursday 26 May 2011

Oaps, Bingo, Elasticated waist bands and a bottle of wine later!!

Its Tuesday night.. well Wednesday morning 12:30am to be exact and I’m wondering on home from a house party .. on a TUESDAY.. This is apparently aloud when you single i've decided. But lets start at the beginning..

One Tuesday every month in our little town (you must call it a Town and not a village else people will actually hurl abuse at you in the street..) of Topsham we have BINGO night in St Matthews Hall.. Now those of you that have attended a Mecca Bingo or even a Gala Bingo will understand the concept of a bingo hall... however St Matthews Town Hall is not like this... all those i can imagine parts being the same.. mainly the people who attend. Me, My neighbour M, Her Daughter G, and my Oldest friend A rock up to the hall at 6:30.. Bingo doesn’t actually start till 7.30 but as M says.. "you've got to get the best table".. So an hour early we rock up (obviously just before we had accidentally drifted in to the local co-op brought them out of Sweet Chilli Sensation crisps and wine) and guess what.. most of the tables are already occupied .. by the elder generation of Tops though I might add. G, A and myself probably being the youngest there by a good 40 years.

Now as this is around my 5th time of attending the local bingo night me and M who is a avid player of the bingo have already sussed out who is in the hall already and who is yet to arrive.. We like to think of our selves as the "Banter" table... other than us we have... The Shawls Table.. (a family work in the local bakery and all turn up for a quick gamble) .. The G&T table.. never seen such organisation when it comes to bringing along your own gin and tonics .. this table have it down to an art.!! There’s the Scary table.. mainly consisting for a man and his wife who on my first attempted at bingo turned me and went... "your not very good at this are you dear... want to rub me for good luck... " ( I should point out at this point i was having a rather dyslexic moment where the caller would shout... 2 and 3 .. 23.. and i would colour in the number 32.. total shocker.. causing M to have a mild panic attack that not only has she got to mark her card she also has to read mine upside down and make sure i dab the correct number.. thankfully i now think i have a had of the numbers) Anyway as you can imagine this continues with me and M discussing in not particularly hushed tones .. ooo i wonder where the ....... table is.. there late!!

Bingo starts at 7.30 prompt... anyone who enters later is scorned a pone as causing a disturbances.. but i can imagine having your hearing aid in trying to hear the numbers, dab the correct number and having our table laughing slightly loudly as well as someone clumping in to the hall wouldn’t be ideal. However.. as always.. we managed it.. My friend S was also coming for a quick round or 2 and at 7.20 when she hadn’t arrived i feared for her and the scorned looks she would receive once she entered.. and as if by magic.. 7.35 on the first book... in clobbers S.. S is rather tall and a little like me quiet loud so as she enters in her platforms whilst trying to bend down as if not to be seen and whispering.. "sorry, sorry, Sorry..." Probably not helped by the rest of the table laughing.

I am sad to say though that out of all of us we didn’t actually win anything!!! however had a brilliant evening entertainment esp when A who got a little over excited about the fact she completed a line on a booklet  shouted "ME" at the top of her voice which stopped everyone playing and the famous.."oooooo" coming for the crowds.. however what she had forgotten was we were actually now playing for 2 lines and not 1.. so all a bit embarrassing..

Around half time i got a phone call from my new flat mate to be B asking where i was as she was in the pub and fancied a drink.. i responded with the usual.. "ill be there at 9 right now im playing the Bingo" her response was.. " ooo god i've been telling everyone how cool and sophisticated you are .. and your playing bingo!!"

Anyway we agreed to meet up after i had won my hundreds of pounds at the bingo.. sadly none of this came about apart from A winning a box of chocolates on the raffle which she then left at my house! BONUS.

A, s and myself move on to the pub where we meet up with B my new flat mate, S's friend L and a few others.. after a large glass of my favourite white wine and soda we all congregate outside where S's boyfriend M turns up and there flat mate R. By this point I have had at least 4 glasses of wine and anyone that knows the Knowles Girls we can't really handle more than 2 before we start feeling the drunkenness take hold. At this point i get an e-mail from a boy i have been in contact with asking what i was up to and if i wanted to go in to Exeter.. Of cause i didn’t.. i was outside the lighter with friends and having a good few glasses so i told him to come to Topsham!! After message to message i got a little bored and said that i was there so if he wanted to come for a drink more the merrier.. (arnt i being good in my singleton life)

Now it being a Tuesday everyone started to drift off home as everyone obviously has work the next day till its just me and B left to party the night away.. B comes up with the great idea of crashing her friends J's house who lives a few roads away with a couple of bottles and carry on the nights excitements.. To which i obviously go along with .. after only meeting this J once before and i believe i was drunk then to.. so why not make it twice!!

We rock up to this house and bang on the door.. J in his very good hosting skills lets us in and on we carry with the chat. at this point i get another message from said boy who would like to come to Topsham now if the pubs are still open to which i respond they probably aren’t on Tuesday at 11:30pm.. to which he again asks me to go to Exeter.. again why would i want to go to Exeter on a Tuesday.. even when i was in sneaking out of school aged 18 did i go in to Exeter on a Tuesday..

By 12:30am i feel its probably time i hit the home ward track as i did have to be up for work myself and be slightly compesmentus when in work.. just before i was leaving tho there was a stroke of good luck.. i got a txt off HIM. HIM stands for Hot Irish Man.. (mother if you could look away now this would be great/we never discuss this when i go home because i know you'll just have questions) Hot Irish Man or we could call him by his name of D. (i found D in a night club a few weeks ago when i went out for a girls night out dressed as The only way is Essex.. tbh it was pretty impressive anyone paid any of us any attention.. and even worse we fitted in in the night club we went to.. Big hair, Orange skin, Sequins at the ready!!! we looked HOT) Anyway back to the story.. D sent me a txt asking if i was still awake as he could sleep as he had just come back from Another stag in Malaga.. (always tasteful) anyway i replied i was and was trying to wonder home from a house ive never been to before in my Town.. not village.. To which i get a phone call.. Much more fun wondering on home whilst on the phone to someone.. esp as it stops my little brain of thinking.. i think someone is fallowing me.. can i hear footsteps.. i definitely can.. o god im going to die.. in the 5 minutes it took me to get home..

So there ends my Tuesday night of this week... left the house at 6:15pm and ventured back home at 12:30 .. in all i think it was a rather successful night..

Sorry about the essay today !!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel i ought to commemorate our post blog chat with.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Love you Tilly knowles xxx
