Monday 23 May 2011

The Monkey

So..  This is been in my thoughts for a while and I’ve decided that I should voice them on here and if anyone has an opinion then it would be greatly appreciated.

When me and C (ex) started going out 4 years ago he gave me a toy monkey that used to be his from when he was little called Cheeky Charly.. or Charly monkey as he is fondly known in my house. Since that day I have slept with this monkey in my bed every night since this day.. Apart from when C was staying I thought that might have been a little odd.

Anyway he was a very useful companion through these 4 years esp when C joined the Royal Marines and was away a lot of the time on Exercise and then when he left for Afghanistan for 7 months he was also extremely useful just to have something that made me feel close to him.

However since me and C have broken up, in the mind has always been the thought of .. is this weird to still have my ex's childhood toy in my bed most nights.. i think it is a little .. but ive spent more time with this stuffed monkey than i ever did with C, Weird no..

I have managed to give back most of C's things that he had at my house but not Charly Monkey.. Do we think now is the time i should be brave enough to give it back... I am after all 22 and really should have grown out of sleeping with a stuffed animal !!

Who knows...

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