Tuesday 31 May 2011

Internet Dating

This is a new idea that J my brothers girlfriend believes I should get into.. But then again apparently I reminder her of Polly off this years Master chef.. if you don’t remember which one she is she was the frizzy haired slightly plump one.. Brill..

Anyway… im still a little speculative about whether this is a good idea. Mainly because I used to tell my single friends they should get on and join the 21st century and that is Internet Dating.. slightly thinking that I wouldn’t ever have to… how wrong was I. So here I am.. Thinking of the possibility. I think my biggest problem is I slightly associate internet dating with it being full of people who are Weird, Ugly, Possible killers, Criminals, and the homeless man who lives down the street – ( I think his ad would consist of “ Free living or Wild at heart”)

However you never know who you might meet.. I know many people who have had slightly traumatic experiences with internet dating but also some that have ended in total bliss.. (I need to maybe make some kind of graph and work out which site has the most success then join that one)

The other problem is.. do they actually look like they do in there photos.. and lets be honest no one uses a ugly photo of themselves… or a true likeness as I like to think of it.
 I mean I have a few nice photos of me and out of those none of them actually look like me!! So when I put up my beautiful shot that I may have casually photoshoped some of Kate Hudson’s hair and Megan Fox’s figure on to my photo and then up-load it as my profile photo they will be more than slightly surprised when a shorter, plumper, slightly odd looking me turns up!! HELLO… O it would be super awkward. But then again… what if I had seen a photo of Brad Pitt cross with Heath Ledger I would think I was in for a treat.. and then the lanky, spotty, greasy haired games salesman turns up.. at this point lets be honest I would put the red rose I had brought with me so we could recognise each other (because both our photos were fake .. and everyone carries a red rose when there meeting people they don’t know) and casually drop it on the table of a none suspecting person. Pick up my ipod and casually walk out of the coffee shop!

Anyway these are my first thoughts about the internet dating game..!! I say this like I will never internet date when you all already know I have up-dated my dating website profile 3 times today already!!!


  1. I think you should have a link to your internet dating profile on here for all to view...

  2. I tried it.. SO many weirdos/perverts/chavs/70-year-old-hairy-exhibitionists O_O ... the only person I actually properly replied to (i.e. more than "Sorry, suddenly in a relationship/moving to Guam/having a sex change" rejection responses) was Maxy. I'm yet to categorise him.
