Thursday 19 May 2011

The Start!!!

Hi my name is Tilly but if you’re feeling a tad posher you can refer to me as Matilda. Apparently I was named after the Rod Stuart song Waltzing Matilda which I believe is about a man wanting to borrow some money of a friend to take Matilda the local prostitute out dancing.. Thanks parents. Sadly there is also another version of the song that is sung by rugby players.

Anyway I thought I would start a blog to write down some bits and pieces about me. Im 22 years old and as any of you who would know sometimes its harder being in your early 20's than being 13 again.. Going through a pretty rough time at the moment but thankfully coming out the other side of it now. Recently been dumped by my long term boyfriend because after 4 years he decided that actually im not want he wanted and there was no chance of him ever wanting kids and marriage.. Brilliant.. I don’t no about the rest of you but apparently this is a little glitch in the road that we call life. So I thought I handled it pretty well apart from the screaming and crying, slight suicide tendencies and feeling like the whole world possibly could have ended.. However im glad to announce I am on the up.. Obviously when I next see him I will probably want to pour boiling oil over his body but I think that’s perfectly normal.

I should also point out im slightly on the dyslexic side of life. Not that this is bad thing I quite enjoy it in a slightly odd way and makes me me.. so just a heads up on the spellings, language, and that possibly nothing I write will actually makes sense.. Anyway hopefully I will keep this up and I will keep everyone informed of my day to day life and what is new.. Almost exciting being single again.. Haven’t been since I was 17/18 so this should be interesting!!! Gosh I do hope some those dating games might have disappeared by now. I was/am one of those girls who can never wait 24 hours to return a txt message from the day before that simply said "how are you"  and normally from a boy I don’t even fancy.  I definitely  think im more of one those slightly scary girls that almost have there wedding dress planned and the table plan laid out for the wedding by the end of the first bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.. so should cause for some interesting occasions.