Monday 30 May 2011

The Dating Game Rule No 1....................

So last night due to this fun cold/cough I seemed to have acquired in the last few days I was wide awake and suddenly the thoughts of dating again hit me..

Now I don’t actually think I’ve ever been on a real date because I’ve always been involved with people before things like dating... So it got me thinking. There is a book out for men regarding dating which I saw a few years ago and all the rules that you need to keep to.. is this still the same? also what earth is it that your meant to wear on a date.. And how do you know if you are on date.. How utterly mortifying if you think are and your not.. or even if you don’t think you are and then make No effort and you work out u are.. its all so tricky.

I’m also not particularly good at the games business.. and how do you know if you are meant to playing the games.. such as the don’t reply to a txt for 3 days and then send a weird reply.. also do you look to keen if you reply to a txt or a message that hasn’t got a question in it..!! is that to keen..

Now don’t get me wrong I haven’t exactly been inundated with hundreds of men wanting to take me out... !! in fact quiet the opposite but I’m not worrying mainly because i already no my future will consist of the title  Princess Matilda Windsor.. obviously Prince Harry has yet to find me but its just a waiting game!!

Now due to the lack of sleep i took it upon myself to Google Dating Rules... NEVER DO THIS.. esp  if you already know you will brake every rule as i know i would...
DATING DON'TS - (these from now on will be my rule book.. hopefully) Now this what we are supposed to NOT do..  but if you are like me at all i have probably broken all the rules already and I’m not even dating anyone!! great...

No 1 . Don't call, text message or email someone you've just started seeing more than once a day unless they reply (or in the event of an emergency). Desperation and instability are major turnoffs.

Brilliant if anyone knows me well then this rule will not work for me at all.. also what is in the event of a emergency... it could be... OMG i have just been hit by a bus and now I’m lying here not being able to move.. which to be honest the first person to come to my head in such a emergency wouldn’t be someone I’ve just started dating more likely to be to cry down the phone to my mum!! Or.. is an emergency .. OMG i have forgotten to record Glee ... Because lets be honest this is a real emergency... and against the first person i would want contact is cry down the phone to my mum.. also you wouldn’t call the person u just started dating because you wouldn’t get to watch the episode anyway.. in less u brake like 5 rules and just turn up on the doorstep one day announce and claim your there to watch Glee.

Also if I’m going to be honest i do almost radiate desperation and instability so its all gone to pot already!! I also like how this is described as a MAJOR TURNOFF.. great... does this mean if I don’t radiate Desperation and instability but if I turn up in my crop top, big hair, orange skin, snake skin mini skirt and platforms they might still find me attractive!!! I don’t think so some how...

Anyway this is just the first rule of many and I will keep you up-dated with the others..

If anyone has any advice it would be fantastic to know... although i should point out I haven’t yet actually got a date I just like to be prepared... you never know when Prince harry pops in to your local... I hear he likes the South West.

Which leaves one thing to think about…. Internet dating… YAY or  NAY.


  1. internet dating!! go on the one that your friends (i.e. me in this case) can write the About Tilly bit!!! pleeeeeeeease :)

  2. loving it Tilly.... and I am equally confused about the dating 'rules' despite my age and supposed experience!! To be honest what ever these rules are I am obviously getting them wrong... hence still single!!

    As for the internet dating.... dont get me started!!! It is another mine field of expectation and subsequent let downs!!! But I can assure you it will give you material for your blog!
