Wednesday 25 May 2011

China Town

So on Monday we were meant to have a Works Outing.. (Always an interesting one - last time I socialised with people i work with outside of work hours it was our Christmas Party and I was on total Top Form.. those of you that know the story will remember how utterly fantastic I was/inebriated.. I’m sure my director was a big fan of me when we went for a Curry around 9 after 10 hours of drinking - yes 10.. we started on the champs in the office at 11- I couldn’t even read the menu and only the word Korma came out of my mouth.. which I then didn’t eat.. Brilliant work there tills.. I also remember phoning my friend at the time V and making her speak to my boss.. again another moment well spent.. including the next morning my director phoning me up at work and laughing at me.. Great impression. Now when ever we speak about THAT night he offers up the advice.. surprise u remember anything Tilly)

Anyway we had planned an outing to the Chinese in Exmouth for M's birthday who works in the office.. All set we had booked in the diaries everyone was up for it.. well 5 of us.. but then we are a small office.. However on Monday morning our director dropped out as he had "tonsillitis" (I think he was just a little concerned about spending the night with 4 girls), So we were down to 4.. Girls work night out it was...

7:00pm - K our every other Saturday girl also dropped out .. apparently someone couldn’t pick up her little girl from Brownies.. what it is to be a mother!! so we were down to 3.. However into the car we got and tottled off down to the local Chinese in Exmouth..

After 2 bottles of wine (only 2 of us drinking) and enough Chinese to feed the whole of china  I really thought I might die from food over load.. why o why did we eat those Banana fritters at the end with added.. yes added Ice cream.. was it really needed..

Now I know I have written enough to feed the whole of China but I don’t think anyone would understand the amount we ate with out being there.. So here is a little list and remember there was ONLY 3 of us..

Appetizers - Spring rolls, Ribs, Seaweed, And prawn toast thing..
Starter - Crispy Duck Pancakes
Main - Noodles, Egg fried rice, Crispy chilli beef, Salt baked squid, King prawn Curry, King prawn sweet and sour (Hong Kong style), Chicken in black bean sauce, and im pretty sure there was something else
Pudding - Banana Fritter with added ice cream...

So 3 of us ate this disgusting amount of food and barely had any left overs..

Also to make things more interesting we were the ONLY people in the whole restaurant which was A odd and B kind of nice as it meant know on else had to witness this mass of intake of food between 3 of us..

Anyway all good things come to and end and i didn’t make as much of a fool out of myself as i did last time we all went out.. so in all i think it was a big success..

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