Friday 20 May 2011

Girls night = Diet Fail

Another thing you should know about me is im more on the curvier side of life. I'm surprisingly happy with my shape but recently me and a girlfriend have decided to go on holiday to Portugal for a few days of sun where we can indulge in Sun, Sand and Sangria.. So I’ve decided to go on a diet for the 6 weeks I have left till I have to expose myself to the rest of the human race in a bikini (I have dreams where Portuguese men run down the beach and try and shove me of the beach as they think I might have beached myself..) .. However I have found a flaw in my plan... Girls Night... I really enjoy girl’s night. Normally we all meet on a Thursday evening and try and right all the wrongs in the world with a nice bottle of wine and some food. When were all together there are about 10 of us who meet but normally someone can’t join for some reason or another so on average there’s about 5-7 of us who get together at any one time. Last night was a good turn out as 7 of us managed to find ourselves in Exeter at one of our houses where we proceeded to buy out the Co-op of pizza, garlic bread, chocolate, crisps, dips, and anything else that shouldn’t be eaten by a girl with a metabolism that a snail could beat in a 100 meter race... nether the less we sat and ate and ate.. Slightly sad as all my hard work of only eating cardboard slightly gone to waste.. But then again it’s the first time I’ve felt full in at least 4 days..

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