Friday 27 May 2011

The Boys!!

Now this is a blog about me and my life and i thought i should fill some of you in the people who have already entered my life and then left again! Sometimes for the best...So lets start with The Boys.. The boys mainly being Ex's when it comes to me ... This may take some time to say so maybe go and make a cup of tea as this could take awhile!!!

The first love of my life was a boy called D... apparently we were inseparable as children.. when I say children I mean babies.. so I always feel that I missed out on him when he upped and moved from our small hamlet of tale.. on the odd year when our two families meet the parents always start piping up about a photo of us both naked on a toy tractor.. and when ever we revisit some past home movies of our birthdays im always the girl just lifting my dress above me head flashing my daisy print pants.. Obviously even at that age I was trying to get the boys attention!!

Then there was the real loves.. J.. I believe he was my first real love.. we had our first kiss behind our theatre at school after a production of "why the whales came" I remember I was a chorus women and was wearing a practically fetching Orange skirt.. Luckery we are still good friends. Although haven’t seen him in about a gazillion years.

After J came C.. a Cornish man... Need I say any more....... The fact im in love with his father though could have meant we have stayed very good friends and has recently got engaged .. How very grown up!!!

After C came A... Now A was the one who I will always have a special little thought for.. i was in year 10 and he was in Upper 6th.. We were the talk of the school!!! well i liked to think so. He also had a car and could drive me around..!! Fantastic... Even if he was a little of the thin side of life and had ginger hair.. SORRY... Strawberry blond!! However to me A was my first real love and was gutted when it all came to an end. (also he was present for one of the MOST embarrassing moments my father has put me through when introducing a boyfriend to my parents... A was the first boy I brought home to meet mother and father Knowles.. Dads first initial thing to do was shake A by the Hand whilst repeating... "Well Done...Well Done".. Like he had won some competition.. well done young man you are dating my daughter.. Congrats on that!! Thanks Dad.. however im sad to say it didn’t stop there... Daddy Knowles proceeded to through his arms wide like the pope and just utter the words "Welcome" as he looked around our house!!! ooo it was horrible... Not only had he congratulated this poor man for dating his daughter but also welcomed him into our house like priest!! no wonder the relationship didn’t work out he probably thought we came from some kind of cult)

After A came M.. Now M was a interesting one!! (my darling sister P likes to tell this story by actually mixing 2 boys into one to make it sound even worse than it is.. Thanks P.. She likes to describe him as a boy who was a Goth and had a matrix style leather jacket that Billowed out when ever he walked.. she’s probably started adding in other details like he wore make-up and thought he was a vampire.. This is not true!!) M came from Exeter and was a year above me.. he was one of those boys i think i thought i could change.. he was very deep and often had something going on but i think i thought it meant he was a bad boy in my strange way.. sadly this relationship also came to and end after he decided he preferred his Ex.. funnily enough i got a call 3 days after he broke up with me to say he had made a mistake..always new I special haha.
After M came D .. i think.. D was a boy i met through a old primary school friend.. apparently he also went to primary school with us but not that i remember i was probably still to caught up with the D who lived in our Hamlet and throughing my dress over my head to get his attention!! Anyway D was lovely, suitable nice, dressed well, and actually did wear make-up sometimes... it was lovely while it lasted but fizzled out pretty quickly.

After D was W.. now W wasn’t really a boyfriend I don’t believe.. he was more of .. a pretend boyfriend.. although possibly one of the best with the fact his mum lived in SA, he had a house, a car, a business, good looking.. the makings of a brilliant man.. sadly i think the thought of dating a 18 year old might have had its draw backs such as i was still at school!!! but i did have a fab skiing trip with the girls in Val D'sere where he happened to be at the same time..

I am actually adding this one in as I did technically forget another J.. (thank you GT for pointing this one out) J and I met in Cornwall (another one I know) he was actually a year below be at school and now looking back a little strange.. My friend T used to tell me this a lot of the time that he, was but as usual I felt I had picked a gooden and really she was talking nonsense.. (I promise T to listen to you a little better from now on re boys) Now J was interesting.. I remember meeting him on St Mawes night in the summer over Falmouth week and I was with my lover that is GT.. or the Taz.. I also seem to remember that he was talking to her and described me as having a "Great Personality" um.. thanks.. that’s exactly what a girl wants to hear/that’s what you tell your mates when you kiss a not particularly hot person... "its alright guys she has a great personality".. YUCK. Anyway this summer wasn’t the best for any of us and once the summer was over so was the relationship to a lot of peoples excitement... Not sure if this is the right order to put him in but as you can see from the fact I forgot him in general I hope you will excuse.

After I left school at 18 I hit Portscatho, Cornwall for some serious Summer time.. It was here I was reacquainted with a old friend who I grew up with and again have apparently got lots of naked pictures of us playing together as children.. Although his mother who liked to show me old photos of the families only ever seemed to have photos of my brother and sister... slight favouritism there I feel!!! C who you have already read about is/was my biggest love and I will probably love him for the rest of my life. After 3 and half years sadly it came to an end in February of this year. The biggest problem im found is the fact he was also my best friend and now I have lost my best friend and my boyfriend..(and possibly my bed time monkey… the decision is still out with the jury at this time) but hopefully over time I will be able to put my feelings behind me and we will be able to revert to being friends. Hopefully..

Anyway there is a little insight to The Boys... I'm pretty sure i have got them all down.. but im terribly sorry if ive missed anyone off !!!


  1. .........did our love mean nothing to you tilkins?

  2. You never made it offical Brynamin... you were always my dirty little secret..


  4. I'm Sorry to disaspoint Anonymous.. its not charly who's Engaged.. i went out with 2 cornish boys beginning with C.
