Wednesday 27 July 2011


Hello one and all

Now today has been a bit of a interesting one as I may have accidently have gone out last night for 1 drink.... 5 bottles of pink fizz later shared between myself and B ... lets just say its not been a pretty sight today.. infact most of the day has been spent with me downing drinks and slurring my way around work.. brilliant people now think im a alcoholic.. i wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow my director brings me in a AA leaflet as he was the one who pointed out the slurring... Awkward... obviously i then noticed it and did it more because i was trying not to slur.. brilliant.

Anyway bit of good news today is my friend C has put me on to a new blog and its hilarious im already becoming a avid reader of hers and ive only started following today its called 52datesin52weeks.. Perfect. Also hoping i can learn some bits of her in the whole on-line dating scenario.. its also great to know im not the only one who seems to attract the toad/drunk/old man type of men on these websites... Also im going to steal some of her style and let you know some messages that i have been sent.

Starters.. im now on My Single Friend .com as well as yes i have broadened my horizons in a good effort to see if there is a decent man out there... or at least a multi millionaire who wants me as a wife!

Anyway.... Recently on i seem to get a lot more attention than on single friend.. possibly because seems to be where all the ones who don’t have friends to put them on mysinglefriend go...

So here are a few who have e-mailed me on ... the Special few.. Altho those of you that have seen me recently know that know one will take the place of Moley my favourite man off Mysinglefriend.. Beep Beep..

Anyway here we go... :-

Him : - HI

Ok yes this was all i got... Original.. Biggest problem i had with this was he was 59... thanks love but no thanks.. i think my dad would have something to say as they possibly share the same birthday.


Him :- u sound a gt and up go person who lves the thril of the chase what star sign r u

Ok... now first... yes i have copied this message down correctly as i actually copied and pasted from my e-mails... First does anyone actually know what this says?? If you do, can you let me know that would fantastic.

Ive also had e-mails off a lovely Portuguese man... great part from the long distance.. can u imagine the first date.. more like first date and holiday all thrown in together.. not awkward at all then... Hello im Tilly, you must be Mario...
There has also been a 68 year old who wanted me to take his compatibility test... now love i can shave us both a lot time here and just let you know this aint going to work.. but thanks anyway...

Anyway there are just a few of the men that I could one day end up with…. Well its either that or I become some sort of weird Tortoise women… gosh one has got some fun to look forward to ..


  1. Freya Axworthy27 July 2011 at 08:46

    Matilda I told you was better. Now get searching for men on there rather than waiting for them to come to you..far more fun!! xxx

  2. Big thanks for the mention in your blog today,made my day and now following you back :) Shall have a read of your blog a bit more later :)

  3. Enjoying your blog, I've now linked it to my blog, so hopefully you shall get more readers. Hope you're having a good weekend :)
