Wednesday 13 July 2011


So someone recently (we wont name names..) told me I needed a Carer.. Now is this strictly true.. I am 22, I moved out of home, I can drive, I have good (if a little unusual) qualifications totalling in 3 A levels (something no-one thought possible, especially the teachers...just shows what a little leg and some cash can do for a girl.. JOKE) I also am the owner for a 4 year old tortoise who I have now owned for over a year and he’s still alive... This I think means I am very grown up.. I even own a lipstick!

However.. saying this... I do get myself to some unusual pickles which sometimes makes people stop and actually wonder what the hell I was A doing or B thinking... Also another weird thing is my closest friends I tell are no longer surprised when I tell them another story where I have somehow got myself in to a bit of a situation..

Some of the most recent stuff includes... within 3 seconds standing at the Co-Op Counter managing to drop all of the mail from work (I was heading to post box I wasn’t stealing them for some weird thing) and threw them over the shop, try and bend down to pick them up, flashed my knickers to the nice Co-Op man and then try and casually walk out of the shop whilst forgetting to pick up my ipod from the counter that was still attached to my ear and then losing the said ipod down a display shelf where the nice man who has now seen my knickers had to try and retrieve it whilst trying not to laugh the entire time.. I bet im now knickers girl in the Co-Op.. Seriously... HOW..!!

Went to the gym on Monday.. (I know...impressive) and im friends with my gym instructor (who happened to have seen me on Saturday afternoon….yes afternoon shoting black sambucca, tequila, and Jager... not great) Anyway we were doing a warm up exercise and I was kind of near her and we were doing "high knees" as she looked at me and went "Higher"... I automatically just went "hiya, you alright," thinking she was just saying hello to me...!!! awkward moment when she then had to stop the high knees as she was laughing so much and cue the rest of class eyeballing me..

So…. I Suppose there is some slight truth in the fact I might need a carer.. but lets be honest im much more entertaining without one… For instance I wouldn’t be able to try and make Laksa paste and think it’s a good idea to put a wooden spoon into the Magi mix whilst its still going (note to self never try this again), Fall over in the gym whilst coming out of a slightly over the top Lunge, Laugh so much tea comes out my nose (yes sadly this has happened), Flash my knickers at the nice drunk homeless man in Topsham (I seem to be doing this a lot.. ), and general other ridicules things I get up to daily…

Today I can so far announce I have only had one small misfortune… ok maybe two…. Been caught by people whilst wondering around the house in my knickers and a vest top at 8am this morning (another knickers incident) and accidently ringing a client who answered and I said “ Hello .. Mr Smith …” and the reply came back… “Mrs Smith”… Oppss…

Catch you all later…

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