Saturday 9 July 2011

Its begun

I've only gone and bloody done it....

Finally after months of discussing the good and bad points about internet dating I am now a client of Yes that’s right I am officially a ugly weirdo person that cant get a date anywhere else.. Joke

So.. just giving you all the heads up that every now and again (I hope because if I don’t it means that no one not even a murder/child snatcher/89 year old pervert is interested in me and to be honest I could be slightly offended by this) that I will be up-dating you on the progress of this little idea..

A my oldest and bestest has written a brilliant little paragraph about me and as per usual has been more than generous when it comes to what she thinks about me... then again if she had written I was a loud mouth, slightly fat, weirdo I might have had some strong words.. Thankfully she has written im a 6ft 2 run way model who has millions in her account... !! Im sure I could pull off the look easily... Then again. ….

Anyway... Got an e-mail last night after about an hour of having my account live and
guess what ... yes I got a hit.. someone added me to there favourites... que a night of wondering if he is a Johnny Depp lookalike or even possibly a Calvin Klein model... Sadly all of the above are a negative... Cue a 31 year old IT man... sadly he is slightly out of my age range... and as A said.. Got to kiss a lot of Frogs or Toads to find that prince..

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