Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Clutz

So.... its become kind of apparent recently that im a little bit of a clutz.. I swear I never used to be…. then again..

Anyway a few things have happened over the last few days so I thought I should fill you all in on the weekend and a bit more.

I should probably start with Sunday as nothing very exciting happened before then.. Went out Friday got a little drunk, and then Saturday night spent the night totally relaxing watching " The English Patient" (still makes me cry even if I don’t watch the whole film) and a Chinese.. horribly naughty but then again.. They deliver..

Sunday......... 2:30pm sat on my sofa at home and B my flat mate rings.. " get in the shower, get dressed we are going for a drink," ... Right.. Possibly the quickest shower, washing of hair, changing of clothes ever done by myself. By 3 pm in the pub with a white wine spriz in hand... This is where it should of stopped... o no.. speed on 7 hours and you will find me and B in a pub singing Karaoke (Spice up your life by the spice girls) with the local Co-Op man..... we were a disgrace.. Not only did we Cackle our way through one pub to move on the next where we openly discussed things we should possibly a little louder than one would of liked.. and then on to another pub where the residence I can imagine hope they will never see us again..

some of the highlights of the night involved -
> B finding a bread roll and deciding it would be her dance partner for the night
> B making everyone else appreciate her bread roll
> Singing Spice up your life (i was posh spice)
> pouring a drink over my new phone so the keys now don’t work quite right ..
> Me and B thinking doing the Dirty Dancing lift would go down an absolute treat
> Falling over whilst attempting the Dirty Dancing lift, whilst scattering leaflets around the pub and giving myself a carpet burn up my elbow.
> BEEP BEEP  - (whilst commenting about a toad in a hole)
> B talking to a man about his car " I love a BMW me," Man " Its not a BMW," B " O well, I Still love BMW's".. AWKWARD
> Successfully getting home before 1am and with out being chased down the road with a pitchfork.

Monday was not a good day filled with hangovers and being horrible over tired.

Tuesday... All Tuesday consisted of was me being a clutz.. a massive one..

Somehow at one point I stood up from my desk, tripped over my own foot, took all the folders off my desk and then fell into the radiator... Seriously if I tried to do it again I wouldn’t have managed it.. its almost impossible.

Once I had sorted everything out I then got up to get something from the printer .. however on my return to my desk I managed to stand .. yes stand… in my bin... Now I have size 5 feet and my bin is kind of large so my foot fitted nicely in the bottom and wouldn’t come out... This would of been find had I been alone in the office but no... sat in front of my desk and in full view where some clients.. Brilliant.. how to now get foot out of the bin without them noticing as much as possible.. no no I went for the spin around fall over the scanner that seems to be hiding under my desk and fall into my chair whilst catching the arm ... Graceful as a elephant..

Somehow I managed to not take anyone out for the rest of the day..

However this morning I did do something special and for once.. the gods where with me as no one saw.. well I hope not.

Phone call at 7.30am from the rents to tell me to move my car as it was parked in the wrong place and I would get a ticket.. i threw on my jeans and a rather large hoody I seemed to have acquired but suitable for the job in hand as it meant I could hide my face and hair from the public moving around at this unearthly hour.. Got to my car .. moved my car... however whilst walking back to my house I managed to stand on drain that was A LOT slipper than I had expected and whilst wearing uggs with no grip... legs went up... bum went down... sat on the pavement like a small child with my legs in a V shape.. the fact I didn’t cry was one of a miracle.

Anyway .. this leads you up to now...

Tonight I am going to watch Harry Potter with my A and grab a bite to eat.. im sure ill do something slightly unusual as per norm.. Poor A its a surprise she still lets me out in public.


  1. Just don't shout "oooooooo the sounds gone on the film" when actually it was just an advert for the hard of hearing... THAT was embarrassing!

  2. Haha yer thanks for bring that one up .... the boys next to us love me tho... x
