Wednesday 6 July 2011



Somehow I have managed to say safe and not do anything to ridiculous in a foreign county with V however 5 days into being home and I have some how managed to damage myself and other objects quicker than you can say demolition.

Friday night I went to The Passage Pub and met some friends ... ok so this accident might have been a little alcohol induced incident .. However I was txting and not paying attention and forgot about a step and totally twisted my ankle.. Thankfully know one saw else they might have pointed and laughed.. I liked to think I went down gracefully but we all know when drunk your ankle goes one way your body the other.. There is nothing graceful about this!! Anyway in a heap on the floor and with a pretty sharp pain running through my body I mange to hobble out of the pub to find my friends and brother.. who very usefully tells me that its already swollen and will be black before the night is out.. BRILLIANT - I then hobbled home in a not so happy move whilst swinging my leg like something out of treasure island.. I recon I could of made a good Long John Silver..

On Saturday night after one to many drinks again I managed to fall over on the same foot... great work.. also I should point out my foot now has a slightly black tinge to it and looks a little like I might have stuffed a tennis ball inside it....

Sunday I wake up to a very aching foot and a big black bruise on the back of my leg.... I have no idea where this came from!!!

Then Tuesday.... Last night I was a total idiot no way to explain it.. Sat on my sofa at home with my room mate having a chat whilst watching Luther on TV with my legs crossed.. I happened to have had a hot cup of tea resting in my knees and my phone in my hand... im sure you know where im going.. I managed to let go of my phone and then about a minute later realised I hadn’t felt it touch my leg.. looking down into my tea sat submerged other than the very top.. my phone!! however it didn’t quite register so I just carried on looking at it ... I can inform you it is total broken!! Who would of thought? However this isn’t the first time I have done this.. I also managed to submerge my last one in a pint of cider..

Coming soon… Internet Dating.. we have signed on up to and just waiting to have some bits finished before it all goes live… I am more than a little scared but at the same time pretty interested to see where it could lead… Do we think Prince Harry might be on there!!!

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