Monday 11 July 2011

A night in Topsham!

Well this weekend was a interesting one.. many things happened..

Firstly lets start of with the good news.. My Wife J came to stay on Saturday for some wifey time which was lovely and amazing to have her as I got to show off my new little house as well as the fact I am now notorious around Topsham.. well I like to think so.

I had work on Saturday morning so we met in Exeter at lunch time for a bit of a bite to eat followed by what was supposed to be a Mammoth shopping event.. I need a dress.. not any dress... an amazing dress that would make me look like Jennifer Lopez's fit younger sister.. !!! as you can imagine this didn’t materialise.. Anyway whilst sat down in the cafe having a good old catch up with the wife and local gossip from Portscatho I saw her carefully watch someone behind me it wasn’t till I looked around and saw the side/back of C... Haven’t seen C since the slight bunny boiler incident back in the Easter holidays.. and since then thought I was coming on a treat with whole moving on situation.. apparently my body had other ideas as the shakes took hold/slightly shouting at the nice waitress trying to take our order who I (pleasantly and politely) shouted at her to leave us for 5 minutes.. Thankfully J took hold of the situation and with in 15 minutes I was being fed and watered and brought back to normal. I think this was a Success no tears were involved.... plus the fact he didn’t see me as I was looking like some dirty, scruffy walrus of a person in my work clothes..

After the none shopping that then took place we ventured on home. Showed J my new home and then went back to the rents to raid there Tea supply.. at 5:00pm I decided this was a good a time as any to start the drinking.. met some friends including my B my flat mate for some serious drinking.. by 6pm we had already managed to shot black sambucca, jager, normal sambucca, tequila and anything else im sure we could get out grubby little hands on.. Once we had quite a few, we managed to persuade my brother to take us all boating to the Turf.. Again another successful trip apart from the fact us girls wanted pink bubbles but the nice bar man could only provide normal bubbles with blackcurrant if we really wanted it pink.. we did...

Once back on the boat and back home we ventured back into the Passage whilst me and b trying to give a outstanding performance of singing Turn Around Bright Eyes... this would have been brilliant has we A) both been able to sing, B) not drunk and C) new more words than just Turn Around Bright Eyes.. (sadly this was still before 11pm at night)

By the time me and J left the pub ventured back to mine for me to pick up a few items of clothes for the next day and ventured back to the rents house we bumped into another friend and ended up back at a bit of a house party.. Brilliant..

3am back at home whilst trying to cook something to sober ourselves up... sadly this should not be done whilst talking on the phone as im now sporting a nice burn across my wrist..


Darts farm was the way forward for a bit of a hangover cure.. however after a bit of flirting with the nice waiter and a free few drinks including Pimms and a little stroke of a mulberry handbag I was starting to feel slightly more human...

All in all a Fantastic little 24hrs with the wife..

Up-date on the whole internet dating... I have now had 2 e-mails from different men... both slightly outside my age bracket and 4 people who LIKE my profile.. however in one of the e-mails one comments how A (who wrote my paragraph) might deserve a drink .... does this mean that she deserves it because she made me sound too good... or that im not what im portrayed as... not sure..

Will keep you up-dated.. Got to kiss an awful lot of Frogs/Toads to get Prince Harry...

1 comment:

  1. a) Bloody marvellous weekend.
    b) Not just any Blackcurrant, but Cassis none the less!!
    c) Forgot about Turn Around Bright Eyes, haha.
    d) The recipe for Carpet Picnic now officially contains Toasted Naan bread!
    e) Love you long time xxx
