Saturday 23 July 2011

50 First Dates

Sadly this tile isn’t as exciting as it sounds. For one I've never been on a real date let alone 50.. So sorry to disappoint.

Now there is no need to judge as I write this sat on my sofa under my duvet whilst watching 50 first dates the movie.. I’m not sure why but I love this film.. its a bit of and odd one but if I ever want to watch a film and just not even think about what is going on, out comes this film from my DVD collection.

So.. News.. not a lot going on at the moment...

So far MSF (my single hasn't come up with a multi millionaire, 26 year old, beautiful man who is looking for a slightly chubby 22 year old girl who has no idea what she wants to do with her life. Instead ive had some interesting 44 year olds… which however lovely probably aren’t in the price bracket I’m looking for. Although another problem is when you have feelings for someone already anyway its kind of hard to date even though you need to get out there and see what’s about, because I know it will never be how I want it to be…

Another new thing that has started to bother me slightly.. what do I want to with my life. When I was little I guess I always thought I would know what I wanted to do when I got to being a adult and suddenly here I am.. a adult and no idea what I want to do... Mum once was looking for jobs for me and saw a advert for a escort service looking for new escorts... mum thought this would be a good idea.. when I asked why her response was that it would be easy money and it would just be taking little old ladies to the cinema or out for a meal. I had to try and explain to her that actually a escort was a posh prostitute so possibly not the best career path for me.. although if I did want to follow this path least I have the right name as I’m named after one in the Rod Stewart song..

Anyway this is just some thoughts ive been having today. Although I have this sudden desire to do something a bit better with my life so I’m going to look into helping out with a charity or something. Will keep you posted..

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