Saturday 19 November 2011

Massive Cringe ....

You know when sometimes you have those moments that actually makes your whole body pulls it self in because your cringing so much your muscles all tighten up and you try to make yourself that bit smaller ... and you pull that slightly awkward weird face and your eyes get closer together and your mouth suddenly does something very weird... Yer I had one of those moments...

So .. at work we deal with all kinds of customers.. some nice, some not so nice as most people in there jobs will find.. however we seem to also deal with the deluded..

We have one applicant who is looking for a house, he must mid 60s to 70s - and pretty sure he might be starting to lose the plot a little bit.. every time he comes in to the office.. a good once or twice a week he tells us the same story's.... literally I can tell you more about his life than I can my own.. which lets be honest we all have Parents/Grandparents like that so its fine... apart from when he starts lambasting our houses because he was in the building trade you know.. and I don't think he understands that when your DOWNSIZING a house this actually means your house will be SMALLER.. he seems to want a small bungalow where each room is 70' x 80'.. and under a certain price bracket.. obviously this does not exist.

Anyway.. every time he comes in me and my colleges take it in turn to deal with him because more than once a week you'll end up either pulling your hair out or shouting at him.. not the best customer service one feels.

So.. about a week ago he booked a viewing for a flat (he hates flats.. so not sure why ) and then never turned up.. so 2 hours after the viewing we get a phone call from out lovely elderly lady vendor who said he was down stairs but she didn't want to let him up was that ok? what a sweetheart.. obviously we told her that was fine, we would contact him and get another appointment booked.. that we did.. so a week later.. off he went to look at it..

Four hours later he turns up in our office - at this point J who sits opposite the door spots this and does a runner.. thanks J... So i'm left to deal with him... as he walks in the door.. "hello gorgeous" to me ... ugh instantly my gag reflex kicked in.. He then goes on to tell me that our Vendor was... "very nice" (I could almost see him rubbing his legs together.. so AWKWARD) and did she have a husband.. to which I automatically said yes.. our poor vendor did not now need a stalker on top of everything else.. his response was .. " Thats a  shame... I'm in need of a good fling i am..." whilst leering at me never felt so uncomfortable felt like saying My face is up here thanks love!!.... honestly thought I was either going to cry with embarrassment, laugh in his face or die .. J by this point was standing by the photocopier as she laughing so much she couldn't sit at her desk.. He then proceeded to tell me he had been recently dumped and continued on about how he was sad as he quite liked her and how they often spent the night together... I seriously swear my body had practically folded in on its self i was cringing so much... after a while I just went.. " well sorry that property wasn't for you, we will let you know should something come up, " turned back to my computer and tried to ignore him.. Thankfully after 5 minutes he kind of got the picture but only after telling me my phone system was wrong and he tried to call us 10 times this morning.... weird as we hadn't had any other complaints.. Anyway by the time he left i felt like i need a good scrub down and took a good hour before my body uncurled its self from the cringing...

Anyway so after that awkward moment... what else has been happening... Not a lot sadly.. Managed to go to the gym TWICE this week.. I know ill be a size 8 before you know it.. sadly at the moment I look a little more like a chubby extra from Fame.. If anyone has a head band and some electric pink leg warmers it would really finish of the look..

I've also started a kind of Life to do list... containing things like... Do a parachute jump, Travel around Italy (coincidence or not but I started talking to a Italian the other night and I mentioned I wanted to go to Rome, He's from Rome... coincidence or fate..)

Also recently been considering going proper brunette.. those of you that don't know me - I am a fan of the old peroxide so would be a bit of a change.. naturally i am a brunette but more a mousy brown that isn't really a colour so would be thinking of going chocolate brown.. still need to speak my hairdresser and see what she says... I do this because I've known her so long she'll tell me what she thinks.. a while ago i wanted a bob told her and the look on her face instantly put me off.. after i asked if she thought it would work her response was.. well.. i just don't think you'll like it.. haha...

Anyway.. thats all for now folks... Hopefully something exciting might happen today/tonight.. never know might meet prince charming himself..... Is harry in the South West this weekend??

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