Wednesday 30 November 2011

"your exits are here, here and here"

It has been one exciting, drunken, weird, fattening, darn good week................... SO... Lets begin

My beautiful elder sister is engaged... How very exciting.. I got a phone call on Tuesday last week at 1:30am - P being in New York at the time I thought she was just pissed and possibly spotted Tom Cruise and felt that I needed to know about it.. so I may have cancelled her once or twice.. it was only when i had a phone call from G that i thought i should probably answer the call. P was at the end of the phone and told me G had asked her to marry him.... well Thats what I think she said because there was quite a lot of high pitched squealing at the other end... obviously my first thought was DAM IT she will use up all the wedding fund.... although im sure there will be some more available in 2089 when actually find a deaf blind man to marry me... but obviously after that i was some what over excited and spent the rest of the night thinking up what i could say in my speech.. yes i will be making a speech.. not that they know that yet..I like to think it will be a joyous surprise for them.. I am very well known for what fantastic off the cuff speeches, those that attended my fathers 60th will know what i mean... (sadly it was possibly one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, whilst being a little pissed on turbo pims and seemed to thank my father in front of 50 or so of his closest friends for sending us to private school and not being mean to our X boyfriends or Girlfriends... Awkward doesn't even cut it... particuly  as my closing words were saying rather to loudly so people thought i was still talking " Off the Bloody Cuff... Off the Bloody cuff"... Yes ladies and Gentlemen i am very good at speeches... i think also at my 21st I thanked C for coming all the way from Afghanistan and my French friend from coming from Salisbury he'd come from Southampton...) So i'm sure P and G are might looking forward to it... then again.... I might just listen to everyone else do there speeches.. after all P might put me in some canary yellow big bird outfit with more bows that a sugar plum fairy would have, so I might not even be able to stand up..

Also very exciting... I have booked a holiday to Dubai... Well me and B are going to Dubai ( B is a friend from Cornwall so least i feel a lot safer about going with someone.. else knowing me i would end up on a flight to Timbuck Too and be married for 2 goats and chicken) So we are going in March.. Can't actually wait.. going to go and annoy our friend F who lives out there.. So should be good to have a good old catch up.. plus a tan in March.. HELLO.. Also this is something i can now mark off on my Life to do list.. We are going well so far with the list! However sadly the thought of losing 89 stone before going on said holiday is a little bit daunting and doesn't help when your a foody like me... I was thinking the other night the best possibly outcome is that I find a Feeder... one of those men who like to feed there women... and then I could possibly feature in Closer Magazine about how i make £89,000 per year while men watch me eat... (blugh just made myself feel a bit sick then)

Other than that not a lot else has happened that's exiting im afraid.. Although the other night when I couldn't sleep and had 67 thousands things whirling around inside my head I thought I would write some down in a almost poem type fashion.. at the time i thought it was good... however when i read it back the other morning i actually laughed out loud at how poor it was... No wonder school told me i couldn't take A level English..

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