Friday 9 December 2011

Why Hello...

Now I thought I would just quickly up date you all on something rather interesting... I am officially in the best mood I have been in for a good 8 months... Not sure why, Not sure what's caused it, but im back to me... I know a few of you will be thinking.. well you've been you for a while.. I've been out, I've made new friends, I've drunken more than I care to think about, Brought at least one more pair of Bridget Jones Pants to make me look like I've lost 4.5 stone.. (i haven't its the magic of the pants)...

However last night... I walked home though what can only be described as a horrendous storm (ok may have been some light splattering of rain and a bit of a wind) but it was horrendous.. Anyway... Soaked to the bone.. (my feet were wet), I walked in  to my lovely little house, Candles where lit and the radio was on in the kitchen, I got my book, blanket, glass of wine, and curled on the sofa and read and then it hit me... Hello happiness.. Now don't get me wrong I have been happy in the last few months, I've had some of the most funniest moments, met some amazing people, grown up .. ish.. and been happy but there was always something niggerling me that would catch me out on the odd day or when going to sleep... However for some reason it seems to have gone.. and today I wake up as usual with old grown of why is my alarm clock going off at 5.30am because there is no chance its time to wake up but sadly it is and I had a smile on face.. and have done ever since.. Just .. Happy..

So I thought I would enlighten you all because reading back over some these blogs it sounds a bit like I was near jumping off a bridge if a small enough one with enough water was some where close by so that i wouldn't actually injure myself..

So... Lets begin again shall we... Single, Young, Still got my own teeth, Own hair, I am legally allowed to drink.... Lets see where it goes... oooooo the excitement.....

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