Wednesday 24 August 2011

Whats your favourite kind of Cheese...?

Just worked out that its been a while since I been on here and so thought I should get back track a bit..

Not alot is that new at the moment. Still living away from home its been 3 months now and im pretty impressed with myself as are my parents I believe... I am however horrible poor… and yes I do sometimes go home for a bit a laundry service when I work out I actually have no clothes left.. I like to think my mother needs something to do.. she does miss me after all...

what else is new.. o I went on a bit of a date with someone from first one done and dusted..... all was good I am still alive.. He wasn’t a mass murder or some weird o in a full length leather jacket... so in all I think this is a big positive..

Also got another few in the pipe line but I seem to be pretty busy at the moment so finding time is causing a bit of a problem but im thinking September will be the month to get really into it…. Also I might not have any money left and have to go on dates to be able to eat that day!

Had quite a funny few new e-mails off people.. One of which his opening liner was... what’s your favourite kind of cheese?? um... ok!!

Now also what is the protocol on replying to e-mails.. I don’t often send e-mails but if someone didn’t respond I might be a little put out but I barely ever respond to most  of the e-mails.. Should I?? Even the ones that ask me if I like a older man .. Looked at his profile and he was 52... um... thanks but your the same age as my parents... but should I respond.. Would he feel hurt because I haven’t replied... Tricky Tricky Tricky..

So a few weird e-mails ive had that I haven’t responded to because I wouldn’t be surprised if they did have slightly murderous tendencies... one simply said... "your perfect"... um... ok... obviously don’t have high expectations of someone if you think im perfect... want me to show u the bump on my neck or the fact I am the clumsiest person I know!!

Another one simply left me his mobile number....... um ok... little scary as how does he not know I have slight murderous tendencies... I might not be a mass murderer but I have had my bunny boiler moments.. maybe I should send some weird txt messages... o wait.. That really is weird.. Moving on...

This weekend I was in Cornwall and had my first real conversation (may only have been 5 words long but still..) with C.. I was very proud of myself and like the fact I want to start being on the friends side of things.. so fingers crossed next time it might even be a 6 worded conversation... still better than nothing.... and I was pretty drunk all weekend and could get my hands on bottles, flour, ect ect.. so lets be honest could of gone a lot worse.

Anyway just a little up-date for you all... Don’t forget tomorrow is lonely hearts ... might find me the man of my dreams... I wonder if that one who was looking for some to go on Coach holidays and bingo nights is still available!!!


  1. If he's never had a carpet picnic, he's not worth dating!!!!

  2. Tell us about the date you had!! That's pretty exciting!!! How about the other guys you have in the pipeline?
