Tuesday 27 September 2011

Awkward Starfish

Hi all.. sorry about the lack of blogging.. then again not sure who really reads this so I could just be talking to myself.. no difference there then!

Been super busy recently and my feet have barley touched the ground.. yet now i think back not really sure what i have been doing..!! Brilliant the out timers has already set in and im only 22… which by the way… im 20 days of being 23.. if you have spoken to me in the last month however you will know this by now… For some reason all my life I get really over excited about my birthday … I think its mainly because one year my parents brought my Babies house and it was hidden behind there curtains because it was too big to wrap.. gosh that was the best present I think ive ever had.. it had a pink lift and everything!! And since then.. the excitement comes back.. Weird hey!.

Right lets do this in sections..

Dating  - Going ok.. No love of my life just yet apart from my secret lovers Bertie and Pablo… but I seem to still be going out and meeting people which I think is a good start. I am about to take myself of Singlefriend.com as ive had next to nothing on there apart from a few people who have all seemed lovely enough but 4 e-mails in 3 months… maybe I really am a troll… (no one answer that!!)… but they have been a rather expensive 4 e-mail…But like I say been on a few dates.. Cancelled a few dates due other situations arising that couldn’t be swapped so really need to sort that out. Been on three dates with one guy but doesn’t really seem to be going anyway as I believe his lack of contact probably means he has worked out im a bit of a troll.. but still good experiences and all that.. got a free pizza out of it… bargain !! 

Other than that still on the old dating websites and seeing what’s out there.. as usual there are some nice guys and as always there’s the weirdo’s who im sure sit in there plastic macs at there computer thinking they should be gods gift to women and every women should fawn at them when they say things like.. wanna see my….pen (ill make this child friendly, my mother does after all sometimes read this).. or another good one was… you have beautiful eyes but I bet when we meet its not your eyes ill be looking at… to be honest the fact I don’t fall over myself to hand out my mobile number and address to these people is beyond me… imagine I could be shacked up in some mobile home with 6.8 kids by now… shocker..

Life – life in general is going well .. Still living away from home which I think is a massive surprise to everyone.. im even doing my own laundry.. yes I know spoilt little rich girl… but I am at least trying.. even if I can’t get my whites whiter than white like my dear mother however shes got years of practice on me… and the way the datings going I don’t think ill be showing any one my slightly grey underwear for a while yet!.. I have also started back at the gym… now as I say this I mean ive been twice this month.. and once was yesterday so starting back might be a bit optimistic but hey… twice is better than nothing.. Other good news my dad has finally had the all clear on his vitals which is the first time since his heart attack which will actually be a year on Thursday so this is brilliant news and he has recently been on top form… This weekend my sister and her boyfriend came down to see us and we were all in the boat as P went.. “ tills come to the front of the boat and tell me about your life love,”… Dad… “well that wont take long,” (thanks dad for the support there… thankfully he was slightly deaf at the point I responded… “yer only about 9 months,”… only person who heard me was Ps boyfriend who I think gave a little chuckle)… other than this comment … later in the evening as were leaving supper and I was going to meet some friends for a drink, we left the restaurant as dad went… “ be in bed by 10 tills…. Your own bed,”… um thanks dad.. so at the beginning of the day my love life was so dire even to my own father that I could of shouted the news from one end to the other on the boat within 3.2 seconds and then by then end of evening im some sort of man eater… Cheers pops… got to love him though..

Part form all this I haven’t really been doing a lot other than seeing friends, going to the cinema, pub, and the odd trip to the gym.. I know exciting times..

Now quickly in regards to the title of this blog… sadly not to many awkward moments have happened recently … surprising I know.. however this is my new favourite thing to do in a awkward moment…

When you are in a pub, on the street.. where ever you might be and a awkward moment arises and that awkward silence starts to descend on the group you should… awkward starfish.. where  you stand like a starfish with a awkward look on your face.. sadly this isn’t as fun writing it as it is doing it… so please test for your test….

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, I have to.... "out timers" instead of 'Alzheimer's', SERIOUSLY???!!! Epic Knowles, epic!!
