Tuesday 7 June 2011

The Gym

The gym... this is something I would never and had never been a massive fan of. However in less I felt like becoming one of those girls in Closer magazine that are 45 stone and sell photos of them selves gorging on food and only ambition is to be 80 stone I  thought it should be something I took up..

I go to a lovely little gym near me where my brother and his girlfriend also go. this is super useful as instead of me just having a card that lets me into the gym i actually have to go because they make me... well almost.. it isn’t a unusual thing for my brothers girlfriend to txt me one afternoon.. gym? and then another saying.. oo no I have too  much work.. or me doing the same to her.. and neither of us can go alone.. no that would be terribly bad form..

The good thing about our gym is there aren’t a lot of beautiful people.. now don’t get me wrong its not a gym just for the ugly people of the Exeter area.. not at all.. but its also not full of girls who have white blonde hair, size 8 and possibly appeared in a MTV music video at least once in there life... probably using some kind of power drill.. whilst wearing some pretend leotard which has less material than one of my bikinis and only seem to sweat Johnson’s baby oil!! Thank god… especially as im there in my super beautiful little outfit sweating like a pregnant nun going to church on a Sunday..

However … recently since I have had a little bit more time on my hands being single I seem to have taken up quite a lot of socialising.. Infact so much so I never knew how boring I really have been for the last 4 years.. Its not surprising to find me in the local pub with a few friends chilling out with a bottle of wine.. Especially on Girls night.. However this is not going to help the fact I have to be in a itsy witsy polka dot bikini in roughly 3 weeks.. So yesterday after roughly a month and half I went to the gym..

The first thing that made me realise that I hadn’t been for a while was when I phoned up to book myself and JM (brothers girlfriend) into a class the response down the phone was.. “omg Tilly.. where have you been!!!” brilliant.. always how you want to start the gym session off when your instructor yells at you.. Infact once I got into the class she actually hugged me..!! Obviously she missed the slightly sweaty red faced girl in the back last month or so.  However she did not ease me into the class as one would have hoped.. OOOO no… there was Lunges.. which have never been my strong spot, Squats, a little bit of almost crying from me, followed by laughter because I actually couldn’t do anything and looking at JM just made me laugh in her heavy thick trousers that she had by this point rolled up to her knees..

I think the point came when I new I may have slightly over done it when trying to get down the stairs at home.. I got home successfully, I got up the 3 flights of stairs to my bedroom, I got in the shower, I got in to clean clothes and then something happened.. my legs would NOT work.. one step at time on the way down. This was attractive!!! Still slightly red faced.. now I have 3 weeks to get my self in to a bikini that that wont make the whole of Portugal feel like they might have just had a visit from a hump back whale.. GAME ON.

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