Monday 20 June 2011

The Grown-Up

Today I become a grown-up.. well slightly more grown up than I am at the moment.. I already own a lipstick so I feel pretty grown up already just because of this one accessory in my make-up case even though I have only worn it about three times in my life. Still its there.. It’s a statement.

Today I move out of my parents house and in to one 9 doors away!! I know a particularly big move. However if you lived where I live its quite a big move.. We are only a pretty small town.. Most things are only 9 doors away.. One the plus side I still get to use the rents garden and parking, also when I have no food or squash I know where I can run to instead of Tesco. Not that I will be doing this!!! It means im not too far away from my favourite man... Rocket the Tortoise.. He may not be very cuddly but least he loves me in his own hard nut shell way..

So I kind of left packing till.. well I still haven’t really started bearing in mind im moving today.. Brilliant. Super organised as per usual there. Last night I tried and failed miserably. When I say tried I mean I emptied everything... my wardrobe, my baskets, my cubbyholes, boxes, everything onto my bedroom floor/bed... and its still there! Im really not a packer.. im more of a .. get someone else to pack kind of girl. Even though right now I don’t think you get in my room let alone pack it. Which also brings us to the moment of what do I actually need to take. I am after all only 9 doors away.. But then I look at things are think.. " well that might come in handy... you never know when I might need to put on my black sequinned leggings on at a moments notice," or.. “Yes all my birthday cards ive kept over the last 6 years that I haven’t looked at once .. I might need them as well”.. I believe im what you call "A Hoarder".. One day when im a old cat lady you wont be able to move in my hovel as for the cats and the daily newspapers I will have collected over the past 17 years..

I am making another big step today... Im leaving the monkey... Those of you that don't know about the monkey I suggest you go back and read the blog named The Monkey...  I have decided after much deliberation I don’t need to take the stuffed monkey that I have slept with every night for the past 4 years... New house, New Me, and grown ups who wear lipstick don't sleep with stuffed animals that there ex gave them... I no this might sound horribly ridiculous to a lot of you.. but for me this is a pretty big emotional step for me... its the last thing that kind of connects me to C and our times together. Ive managed to get rid of most the other stuff.. the photos, my jewellery, ect ect.. obviously I didn’t give the jewellery back.. he brought me diamonds.. but they are safely tucked away in a jewellery box in case the time ever comes that I need to go to the opera or a similar  occasion.

Anyway just thought I would fill the world in that yes.. Tilly Knowles.. today will become a fully qualified grown up… This scares me… A LOT..

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