Monday 6 June 2011

A little extreme

Hello all

Did everyone have a good weekend? I do hope so. Mine was as you can only imagine Eventful as always!! Somehow I managed to end in Timepiece (our local seedy nightclub often know as cheesy piece to those that don’t know Exeter) two nights in a row a little extreme one would think as i haven’t been to timepiece in about 3 years but this weekend I just out did myself.

Friday night we went for a casual few drinks in TP (timepiece) as it was a friends birthday and we went to go and watch a local band play.. The band were really rather good however I did feel a little odd as I fancied most of them and I think the average age of the band was about 12.. well maybe a slight exaggeration there as they were playing in a nightclub so we will go for 18.. Saw lots of people which was lovely but some how a quiet drink turned in to 2 bottles of wine, a lot of vodka and a Corona.. not sure ive ever had one before but it seemed like a great idea at the time… Although I fear I am starting to get old now.. 2 nights out on the trot till 3am and I was not on particularly good form on Sunday. Once I managed to locate a taxi on Friday night I set off home .. however at 3am I was mainly just wanting to sleep in the back of the taxi but o no I had possibly the most talkative taxi man EVER.. and in the 10 minutes it took to get home I new his life story also that it was his first night shift ever… brilliant. However he did only charge me £9.00 which was a total bargain as normally its about £15 or more.. I think he may have got something slightly wrong but who am I to complain.

Saturday I was up bright and early as getting my hair re coloured.. I have returned to the blondness.. I was very excited until I actually got out of bed and discovered my legs didn’t want to go in the same direction as the rest of me. After downing a few pints of water and eating a ham sandwich.. (a weird thing for breakfast I know but it seemed right some how) I set off for the hairdressers.

Never before have I not wanted to be a hairdressers… at one point almost falling asleep even though Heart FM was playing loudly, thousands of people speaking and hair dryers blasting away. Anyway 3 hours later and I was Blonde.. however slightly pale in the facial features due to the hangover.

Once home I took myself to bed for a few hours recuperation when I got a phone call from a girlfriend wanting me to go meet her, her boyfriend, a friend and my brother for a quick drink at 6. So off I trundled.. however this wasn’t just one drink ooo no.. somehow we ended up at a very nice but very random mans house for a bbq.. not sure how this came about. Anyway me and G (girlfriend) managed to make out way pretty steadily through a bottle of vodka.. at 11pm however I got a message from a friend who was bored and suggested the idea of Timepiece.. of cause at this point I thought it was possibly the most fantastic idea anyone on the human planet might have had. However I didn’t take in to consideration the outfit I was wearing, the flip flops on my feet, Chipped nail varnish and a handbag the size of Mary Poppins.. God knows how I was even aloud in a nightclub. However I did have lovely hair!!!

Fantastic night had by all I felt dancing, drinking, chatting, making new friends, forgetting new friends names, kissing a lovely gay man.. shame really however making him my new best friend for the evening, seeing school friends, and genually having a rather splendid night.. ooo and the best part.. Timepiece burgers.. Now if you have not sampled one of these yet it’s a must do!! Or it could be that they are vile but at 3am anything tastes amazing.

Sunday was a bit of a right off by all accounts… but still nice to chill out.

Take care all and watch out for Dating Rule No 3..

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