Thursday 2 June 2011

Just a little Awkward...

So... just a little awkward.. or is it! Again possible im just reading a little bit to much into things.. gosh when has any one known me to do that...

Anyway this evening I believe I was meant to be meeting a friend from school who was a few years above me.. anyway we have recently started speaking again bearing in mind when we really last saw each other I was  probably in my rather attractive school uniform in year 9.. and before anyone starts thinking of a Britney Spears esk School girl attire it was a long.. (to my ankles if I remember) pleated blue skirt, blue and white stripy shirt and a Cherry Red blazer.. yes I looked good.. Anyway back to the story. We decided we should re meet for a drink and have a good old catch up .. we left it a while ago that he would "give me a call and we shall sort something out for Thursday" now .. today is Thursday.. and still yet to hear anything.. just a little awkward.. Do I txt him?  but then that takes us back to Dating Rule No 1 .. but then is it date? or just friends catching up.. you see my dilemma here..

Which gets me to thinking.. What if they don’t call.. this is something that I totally forgot happens when your "back in the dating game" .. What do you do if you go out on a date.. You have all your rules.. you lie about your none exciting life because no one wants to date a boring person (remember rule no 2) and then they still don’t call.. Tricky Tricky Tricky... Or is it that they are playing the.. well I wont call her for 3 days and make her sweat game. Which then ends up just being so awkward because knowing me I would have sent a slightly abusive txt message around the second day asking why they hadn’t been in contact and what was wrong with me.. or go in to a total melt down and just cry when they did call... Jesus.. I don't think I should be let out in public let alone on dates.. saying that I am already beating all of this by not even getting the call that would start the mass of bunny boiler tendencies I have.

Thoughts people?? Or Even any advice on what to do when they don’t call.. I’m going to need ALL the help I can get.

Bridget Jones Eat Your Heart Out.. Matilda Knowles Is In Town!!!!!

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