Thursday 16 June 2011

The Week

Morning  all.. Been thinking I have been a little lax on the whole blogging this week so I thought I would give you a quick sum up of what’s happened since Friday.. Now don't get your hopes up sadly there is little to nothing of excitement in less you count having a teary moment over The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe..


> Had a very damp bbq with a good lot of friends... Drank far too much wine/vodka before the food was cooked... always a great starter for 10.

> Had a slight teary moment due to the slightly over dose on said Vodka and wine.. but its all fine.. I only embarrassed myself.. ALOT.

> Don't remember people leaving and woke at 6:30am on the sofa with ALL the lights on and the biggest crick in my neck... o and one hell of a hangover.

> Got into bed.. Didn’t shut the blinds and a chorus of stupid birds started singing.. (at this moment I truly understood the episode in friends when Phoebe moves in with the policeman and he shoots a bird.. I needed that man)

> Saturday consisted of sitting on the sofa and drinking a lot of fluids

> Saturday night.. still alone.. hadn’t actually seen another human being in about 24 hours.. watched the first episode of Camelot.. a little racy might I add for a Channel 4 number.. Warning.. do not watch with parents/grandparents or anyone you might get embarrassed with while watching pretty graphic sex scenes.

> Sunday tided the house before rentals got home

> Watched The Lion, The Witch and The wardrobe... got a little teary.. not something i should be proud of.. but it really is very emotional...

> Monday - work and the gym... really thought I was going to die whilst we did 6 lengths of the gym doing power lunges....slightly twinged a muscle in my inner thigh... A lot of sympathy was needed. Plus maybe a fireman to lift me up and down the stairs.

> Coming out of the gym I found 3 txt messages.. all from Ex boyfriends.. This was interesting.. 2 of them I speak almost regularly to and 1 I haven’t heard from in 6 years or so .. so this is a good thing.

> Tuesday - Work and was meant to start packing for leaving home.. however a glass of wine with the neighbours and then with my friend S and a gossip was slightly more exciting.. then did a little catch up of Glee and Made in Chelsea.. both amazing.

> Wednesday - Work and the gym again.. this time body pump... apparently I have little to no upper body strength... Brilliant. I might become a fan of my bingo wings after all...!

 > Wednesday night... A good thing happened.. I got over a slight infatuation I had.. All gone.. This is a horribly good thing as would have got me into ALOT of trouble otherwise. So thumbs up to that.

And here we are at Thursday.... Tonight its all about a little bit of girls night... always a good night and normally involves more than 1 bottle of wine... Sorry this is a little on the boring side today.. Hopefully I will soon think of some very witty stories that will make some of you chuckle out loud soon.

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