Wednesday 26 October 2011

Life, Love, & Marriage

Why is it in life you always do things that’s bad for you... we all do it .. Eat the wrong foods, Fall for the wrong people, Go on the wrong holiday destination, Where the wrong clothes for that time of year.. I am yet to meet someone who actually does everything right ... and if this person actually exists.. they wont be for long!.. Ok so that sounded a bit like I was stalker come murderer.... Another fault to add to the long line of my faults… Pretty much hit a A4 pages now...

Don't get me wrong I have some amazing things in my life and if confronted with some middle eastern starving child then im some kind of princess.. I have some brilliant friends, a great family, I live in one of the most beautiful places, I have a job, Practically no dept..... yet.. still with all this.. at times I get lonely and wish my life was different.. Selfish aren’t I… there’s another to add on...

Sometimes I kind of wish I could fast forward 10 years .... Ill be 33.. Just... and fingers crossed ill be settled down, married, possibly got some children of my own... and happy as larry... I know this doesn’t often work out and knowing me this probably wont have happened for me... but still be nice not to deal with everything that’s involved in the in-between stages..

Is it really weird and a bit bad that im already bored of going out and meeting people... its so tiring to think of conversations that will keep someone entertained, go from date to date, work out if you like them.. ect ect... especially if there is already someone or something your already thinking about but things never work out as they should sometimes in life...

Sorry for the slightly dull/sad/weird blog today... just seems to be how im feeling... very much Bridget Jones eating Branston pickle out the jar moment... I don’t even like Branston pickle...or swigging from a bottle of vodka whilst singing " all by myself" in the most out of tune voice I can lay my hands on... Maybe just some  pink fizz would be a better alternative with some ... "you've lost that lovin feeling,"... Gosh i am fun today!

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