Thursday 20 October 2011

362 Days till my Birthday!

So.... only 362 days and a quarter till my 24th Birthday.. just keeping everyone posted on that little note...

My birthday was on Monday and I had a lovely day... was spoilt rotten with presents like... A Mulberry handbag (the new reason why I get up in the morning.. who needs a man when I have a Mulberry... I don’t think I have any more love to give to be honest), a hot water bottle.. Not been to bed with out it since Monday, A few sharp knives.. Not letting B near them as the last sharp knife she got near she almost took of her finger.., Some great jewellery, and a few other bits and pieces.. There was however a theme …. everyone one of my cards bar some involved Drinking/hangovers/drunks... are people trying to tell me something.. highly probable.. Anyway had a great day including leaving work early, having a family meal with the fam, Almost setting my parents house on fire whilst having meat Fondue.... (yes how terribly 70s of us).. However by 9pm i was knackered and ready for bed.. proper 5 year old situation where i got so over excited about the day by the end i was so tired i wanted my bed and nothing else... till more presents turned up !!!

Other than that the excitement of mon anniversaire not alot has happened.. however I have suddenly begun to notice im pretty sure im the only single person out of my friends... as its getting a little weird.. i.e.. 3rd or 5th or 7th wheel tagalong.... hello the loser in the corner who no one fancies... HELLO that would be me... Brilliant...

The dating has had a little bit of a dip... although i was meant to have a date tonight with a Doctor.. i know.. exciting but he hasn’t actually been in contact for about a week... so im going to say its not going ahead.. do you know what im doing instead.... it is tremendously exciting... Going to Sainsbury’s... o and putting some washing on... I no I no... the rock and roll life of a 23 yr old... Who cares about Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll any more.. its all about Food shopping, Washing and some Lionel Richie with Dancing on the ceiling... or even... you've lost that love in feeling by the Righteous Brothers.... (a great song.. you tube it)

I have this fear/nightmare i actually am going to end up alone... ill be the spinster sister my brother and sister have to invite over at Christmas and take it turns to have me because I smell of moth balls and sherry... or better yet white lighting.. (is that what the cider is called)... and ill just live in my little two up two down house with 400 tortoises who ill end up putting down for hibernation and then dying and no one remembering the tortoises in April... o imagine ... just be awful...!!!!

ANYWAY.... I will at least die happy and with my mulberry handbag... we all have to be thankful for something don’t we...

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog via 52dates & its made me chuckle so far and equally feel your pain.
    Look forwards to reading more x
