Thursday 1 March 2012


Hi guys been a while since i wrote any up-dates on here but i have now started a new blog.. hopefully a bit more grown up - to the point- and about me now... Anyway be lovely if those of you that follow me and if u want to read some more you follow me on my new blog which is...

Hopefully see you there


Thursday 12 January 2012

And... we're back in the game!!

Hi all...

As per usual I started my blog again nothing exciting happened and I didn't write any more.. However its the new year and resolutions are to be made.. so one of mine is to actually keep on track with this little thing... others are things such as becoming a size 8, Winning the lottery, and making Prince Harry fall in love with me… I think 2 out of the 4 could be a possibility!!

So... For those that might be new to this here is a little run through of what this is about.. those of you that do read this please stick with us as... I write about myself and the ridiculous things that happen to me ……… DONE.. see wasn’t to painful now was it..

Sooooo where were we.. are yes i was busy telling you all how I almost feel normal in myself again since the little mishap with C I say mishap I mean total devastation of what was my life.. However we're over that little episode now.. thankfully the crying, loud Adele music blaring out of my bedroom, drinking too much as stopped.. well almost.. i do love a bit of Adele even if it does make you want to slit your wrists most of the time..

Christmas lets start there... Fantastic Christmas.. Very laid back and pretty much no family divorcing each other which is a first for the Knowles household.. I was spoilt rotten (as I should be I am after all the baby of the family) favourite presents was a giant clock from my mother (which is broke.. she tells people it was both of us.. it wasn’t... ) and my Kindle from my sister and some brilliant bits from my brother that will really help with the alcoholism... 

New Year again was rather fantastic as it only can be in the Village that is Portscatho.. yet to have a dull New Years down there.. 

Anyway this is just a bit of a catch up on what’s been going on .. Will feel you all in a bit more later on.. Dating has started up again.. As always a little scary that i might be raped and murdered at some point... however i have learnt not to answer to people who call me Sweet Thing, or Baby on the first time of contact... Anyway im sure there will be much embarrassment to follow in 2012... Oooo the joys... and possibly should stop mentioning on first dates what our children should be called.. apparently that’s a no no…